Personal Portfolio

Web portfolio with custom domain hosted on GitHub Pages

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The project of projects. The main showcase of your projects and your capabilities: a portfolio. Nowadays, skills-based teaching is being more and more displaced by project-based teaching. Real case studies in which you can demonstrate your skills as an engineer, designer or, in this case, data scientist.

This portfolio is a simple HTML, CSS and JavaScript based adaptation of a multitude of web-based templates and portfolios, adapted to the basic needs of a Data Science portfolio. It includes an attractive and modern design, is totally responsive, and incorporates the main sections needed for a portfolio: Home, About me, Experience, Education, Skills, Projects, Resume and Contact.

In addition, this portfolio is hosted through GitHub Pages, allowing free web hosting and a seamless integration, as you can imagine, with GitHub for version control.

All the code is published on GitHub and is available for anyone to use to create their own portfolio.

Hosting on GitHub Pages

The procedure for creating a page in GitHub pages is extremely simple. You simply create a repository whose name is the same as the username you are creating the repository under, followed by "". That way, the repository name would look something like "".

Once we've done this, we'll need to go to the Settings tab of our newly created repository and click on enable GitHub Pages. For more detailed information about the procedure for creating the GitHub Pages repository, you can consult the following GitHub guide or this excellent tutorial that will guide you step-by-step through the process.

From now on, we will be able to commit to our repository and see the changes published on the site ""

Custom domain on GitHub Pages

You can also customize your site's domain in GitHub Pages. And to do that, you'll need to own a custom domain first.

There are many trusted sites on the Internet where you can buy a custom domain name, such as GoDaddy, Google Domains, Arsys, etc. The price of a domain depends on the popularity of the domain, its extension (.com, .net, .org, etc.) and the website where you buy it. Domain offers are frequent, so it is interesting to visit several sites before buying one.

Once we buy it, we will have to redirect the traffic of that domain to our GitHub site. To do this, first, in our GitHub repository, we'll add our custom domain in the Settings / Custom domain tab.

After that, we'll have to set up the "A" records of our DNS provider. The procedure to configure it will depend on our DNS provider, so you'll need to consult the relevant documentation for each case. For example, the procedure to configure them in a domain purchased in GoDaddy would be similar to the one shown in the following tutorial.